241. Malden,Z115.5.A7
پدیدآورنده: edited by A.P. Martinich ; with Fritz Allhoff and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya. ,[sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
242. Manifesto of the Communist Party (1848) and Alienated Labor (1844) / Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels -- The protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism (1905) / Max Weber -- The stages of economic growth : a non-communist manifesto (1960) / W. W. Rostow -- The change to change : modernization, development, and politics (1971), and Political order in changing societies (1968) / Samuel Huntington -- The development of underdevelopment (1969) / Andre Gunder Frank -- Dependency and development in Latin America (1972) / Fernando Henrique Cardoso -- The rise and future demise of the world capitalist system : concepts for comparative analysis -- (1979) / Immanuel Wallerstein -- Rethinking development theory : insights from East Asia and Latin America (1989/1994) / Gary Gereffi -- Gender and the global economy (1999) / Valentine M. Moghadam -- The new international division of labor in the world economy (1980) / Folker Frbel, Jrgen Heinrichs, and Otto Kreye -- The informational mode of development and the restructuring of capitalism (1989) / Manuel Castells -- Cities in a world economy (2000) / Saskia Sassen -- Globalization : myths and realities (1996) / Philip McMichael -- Competing conceptions of globalization (1999) / Leslie Sklair -- It's a flat world, after all (2005) / Thomas L. Friedman -- In defense of global capitalism (2003) / Johan Norberg -- What strategies are viable for developing countries today? : the World Trade Organization and the shrinking of "development space" (2003) / Robert Hunter Wade -- Globalism's discontents (2002) / Joseph E. Stiglitz -- The new global economy and developing countries : making openness work (1999), and Has globalization gone too far? (1997) / Dani Rodrik -- Industrial convergence, globalization, and the persistence of the North-South divide (1999) / Giovanni Arrighi, Beverly J. Silver, and Benjamin D. Brewer -- The new development-security terrain (2001) / Mark Duffield -- The antiglobalization movement (2005) / Jeffrey D. Sachs -- Reconstructing world order : towards cosmopolitan social democracy (2002) / David Held and Anthony McGrew -- Environmental advocacy networks (1997) / Margaret E. Keck and Kathryn Sikkink -- What can we expect from global abor movements?: five commentaries (2002) / Ralph Armbruster, Bradley Nash, Jr.,
پدیدآورنده: edited by J. Timmons Roberts and Amy Hite.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
243. Merleau-Ponty and environmental philosophy :
پدیدآورنده: edited by Suzanne L. Cataldi and William S. Hamrick.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,1908-1961.,Merleau-Ponty, Maurice, 1908-1961,Merleau-Ponty, Maurice,1908-1961.,Merleau-Ponty, Maurice.,Ecology-- Philosophy.,Human ecology-- Philosophy.,Ecology-- Philosophy.,Human ecology-- Philosophy.,Philosophy & Religion.,PHILOSOPHY-- History & Surveys-- Modern.,Philosophy.,Umwelt
رده :
244. Modern Buddhist cultures -- The cultural practices of Buddhist modernity -- Shanghai Buddhism -- Vegetarian identities --
پدیدآورنده: Francesca Tarocco.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
245. Natur als Grenzerfahrung :
پدیدآورنده: Graduiertenkolleg Interdisziplinäre Umweltgeschichte ; Lars Kreye, Carsten Stühring und Tanja Zwingelberg (Hg.).
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Disasters and engineering.,Environmental technology. Sanitary engineering.,History (General),Human beings-- Effect of environment on-- Europe, Congresses.,Human ecology-- Europe, Congresses.,Nature-- Effect of human beings on-- Europe, Congresses.,Social ecology-- Europe, Congresses.,Anthropogeography & Human Ecology.,Anthropology.,Social Sciences.,Anthropogeography & Human Ecology.,Anthropology.,Earth sciences, geography, environment, planning.,Environmental science, engineering and technology.,History.,History: specific events and topics.,Human beings-- Effect of environment on.,Human ecology.,Humanities.,Natural disasters.,Nature-- Effect of human beings on.,Social and cultural history.,Social ecology.,Social Sciences.,Technology, engineering, agriculture.,The environment.,Europe., 7
رده :
247. Shahsavan Iranian rugs and textiles /
پدیدآورنده: [sostaviteli i avtory teksta V.O. Kazari� a︡n, S.S. Manuki� a︡n].
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
248. The Ecological Design and Planning Reader
پدیدآورنده: edited by Forster O. Ndubisi.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Architecture.,Environmental sciences.
249. The Philosophy of Biolog
پدیدآورنده: / edited by Kostas Kampourakis
کتابخانه: کتابخانه مرکزی، مرکز اسناد و تامین منابع علمی دانشگاه صنعتی سهند (آذربایجان شرقی)
موضوع: Philosophy (General),Biology, Philosophy,Science, Study and teaching,Electronic books
رده :
250. The anthropocene and the global environmental crisis /
پدیدآورنده: [compiled by] Clive Hamilton, Christophe Bonneuil and François Gemenne.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Global environmental change.,Nature-- Effect of human beings on.,Philosophical anthropology.,43.47 global environmental themes.,Anthropogener Einfluss,Filosofisk antropologi.,Global environmental change.,Människans påverkan på naturen.,Natur,Nature-- Effect of human beings on.,Philosophical anthropology.,Philosophische Anthropologie,Umweltethik,Umweltkrise,Umweltveränderung
رده :
251. The apology for Raymond Sebond / Michel de Montaigne -- The new Organon / Francis Bacon -- Letter to the Grand Duchess Christina and The Assayer / Galileo Galilei -- Discourse on the method of rightly conducting the reason and Seeking for truth in the sciences / René Descartes -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- Mathematical principles of natural philosophy / Isaac Newton -- The meditations on First philosophy / René Descartes -- The second set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The third set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fourth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- The fifth set of objections with replies / René Descartes -- Letters to and from Princess Elizabeth of Bohemia -- Pensées / Blaise Pascal -- The ethics / Benedict Spinoza -- The search after truth / Nicolas Malebranche -- Discourse on metaphysics / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The theodicy : abridgement of the argument / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The monadology / G. W. F. Leibniz -- The prince / Niccolò Machiavelli -- Leviathan / Thomas Hobbes -- On the duty of man and citizen / Samuel Pufendorf. 0
پدیدآورنده: edited by A.P. Martinich ; with Fritz Allhoff and Anand Jayprakash Vaidya.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
252. <The> challenges of globalization :,The poetics of communication / Bill Schwarz -- Globalisation and cultural imperialism reconsidered / David Morley -- The push and pull of global culture / James Lull -- Post feminism and popular culture / Angela McRobbie -- A nation and its immigration / Arvind Rajagopal -- Thinking experiences / Kevin Robins and Asu Aksoy -- Peckham tales / Gareth Stanton -- Media as conversation, conversation as media / John Durham Peters -- Media and cultural theory in the age of market liberalism / James Curran -- Placing promotional culture / Aeron Davis -- International agreements and the regulation of world communication / Ted Magder -- Transvaluing media studies / Nick Couldry -- Rethinking creative production: away from the cultural industries / Ke
پدیدآورنده: edited by Steven V. Hicks ,edited by James Curran and David Morley.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
253. <The> conspirators 20th July 1944
پدیدآورنده: Roger Manvell
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
254. The origins of economic growth :
پدیدآورنده: Arvid Aulin.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
رده :
255. The problem of Nature : Environment , culture And European Expansion
پدیدآورنده: David Arnold
کتابخانه: کتابخانه دانشکده تحصیلات تکمیلی محیط زیست دانشگاه تهران (تهران)
موضوع: Environmental Sciences _ History,Environmental Sciences _ philosophy,Natural history
رده :
256. The problem of nature : environment, culture and European expansion
پدیدآورنده: Arnold, David
کتابخانه: كتابخانه پردیس علوم دانشگاه تهران (تهران)
موضوع: History ، Environmental sciences,Philosophy ، Environmental sciences,، Natural history
رده :
257. The ubiquity of ethics in international relations -- International ethics : thick or thin? -- Taking the ethical turn -- Social practices, actors and ethics -- Power, politics and ethics -- The primacy of ethics -- Understanding international relations in ethical terms -- War in Iraq understood in ethical terms : the Baker Hamilton report and other interpretations -- Global ethical practices -- The anarchical society of sovereign states -- The anarchical society of civilians : global civil society -- Ethical incoherence : individual rights versus states' rights -- Rights and sovereignty : reframing the tension -- The ethical underpinning of double anarchy -- Ethical transformation in a double anarchy -- Migrants in world politics -- Assessing humanitarian intervention -- Assessing globalization -- Understanding torture in international relations -- Global terrorism understood in ethical terms -- The threat of self destruction in civil society -- The threat of self destruction in the society of sovereign states -- Defending anarchies. ,Includes bibliographical references and index. 0
پدیدآورنده: Mervyn Frost. ,Steven Morewood.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
258. Thoreau's sense of place :
پدیدآورنده: edited by Richard J. Schneider ; foreword by Lawrence Buell
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Thoreau, Henry David,1817-1862-- Influence,Thoreau, Henry David,1817-1862-- Knowledge-- Natural history,American literature-- History and criticism,Environmental protection in literature,Environmental protection-- United States-- History,Natural history-- United States-- History,Nature in literature,Place (Philosophy) in literature,Setting (Literature),Environnement-- Protection dans la littérature,Environnement-- Protection-- États-Unis-- Histoire,Littérature américaine-- Histoire et critique,Sciences naturelles-- États-Unis-- Histoire
رده :
259. U162
پدیدآورنده: by Michael Howard and Robert Hunter.
کتابخانه: كتابخانه مجلس شورای اسلامى (تهران)
260. Well-being, sustainability and social development :
پدیدآورنده: Harry Lintsen, Frank Veraart, Jan-Pieter Smits, John Grin.
کتابخانه: مرکز و کتابخانه مطالعات اسلامی به زبانهای اروپایی (قم)
موضوع: Sustainability-- Netherlands-- History.,Well-being-- Netherlands-- History.,Business & Economics-- Development-- Sustainable Development.,Conservation biology.,Conservation of the environment.,Ecological science, the Biosphere.,Ecology.,Environmental geology.,Ethics & moral philosophy.,Ethics.,History-- Social History.,Nature-- Environmental Conservation & Protection.,Philosophy-- Ethics & Moral Philosophy.,Philosophy of nature.,Philosophy-- Reference.,Philosophy.,Philosophy.,Science-- Earth Sciences-- Geology.,Social & cultural history.,Social history.,Sustainability.,Netherlands, Social conditions, History., 0
رده :